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- At Theramore, get the Flight Point and Set your Hearth to Theramore.
Turn in your quests. Get all the quests in town, some of which
are inside the keep: Inspecting the Ruins, This Old Lighthouse,
Traitors Among Us, Mudrock Soup and Bugs, Tabetha's Farm, and
Mission to Mudsprocket.
- Go to the Shady Rest Inn and turn in Inspecting the Ruins. Get
the three follow-ups Suspicious Hoofprints, Lieutenant Paval Reethe,
and The Black Shield.
- Then, hearth to Theramore.
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- At Theramore, turn in your quests. Get The Deserters.
- Go to Balos Jacken and defeat him to complete your quest. Get
The Deserters.
- Go to Mudsprocket. Turn in your quest but don't pick up any
quests yet. Get the Flight Path.
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- At Theramore, turn in your quest. Get A Grim Connection.
- Run along town and talk to 5 Deserter Agitators. Then, turn
in your quest. Get Propaganda War.
- At the bottom of the ship, pick up the Deserter Propaganda in
the boxes.
- Return to Theramore and turn in your quest. Get Discrediting
the Deserters.
- Run along town and talk to 6 Theramore Guards. Then, return
to Celia Hastings and turn in your quest. Get The End of the
- Go to the Lighthouse. Turn in your quest and get Thresher Oil.
- Swim south and kill the Young Murk Threshers under the docks
and collect 4 Thresher Oil.
- Return to the Lighthouse and turn in your quest. Get Dastardly
Denizens of the Deep.
- Swim to Gavis Greyshield's Ship. Defeat Gavis Greyshield.
- Return to Theramore. Turn in your quests. Get Is It Real
and The Hermit of Swamplight Manor
- Swim to Nat Pagle. Turn in your quest and get Nat's Bargain.
Use the fish paste immediately.
- Swim southwest and kill the shark.
- Return to Nat Pagle and turn in your quest. Get Oh, It's
- Return to Theramore.
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- At Theramore, turn in your quest. Get Take Down Tethyr! Run
between the middle cannon and the side cannons and fire them until
you kill Tethyr. Turn in your quest and in the northwest section
of town, get the new quest: A Disturbing Development.
- Go to Sentry Point. Turn in your quest and get Defias in Dustwallow?
- Kill Mudrocks for 8 Forked Mudrock Tongue.
- Kill Garn Mathers for Defias Orders.
- Return to Sentry Point and turn in your quest. Get Renn McGill.
- Go to Swamplight Manor and turn in your quest. Get The Orc Report,
What's Haunting Witch Hill, and Marsh Frog Legs.
- Kill the level 1 frog critters for 10 Frog Legs, and kill
Risen Husks and Risen Spirits for 10 Information.
- Return to Swamplight Manor and turn in your quests. Get
The Witch's Bane.
- Gather 9 Witchbane along the river.
- Go to North Point.
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- At North Point, turn in A Grim Connection. Get Arms of the Grimtotems,
Confirming the Suspicion, and Raptor Captor.
- Use the Sturdy Rope to capture 6 Raptors once you bring them
down to 20% health. Also, Talk to "Stinky" Ignatz and
accept his quest Stinky's Escape. Escort him through the raptors.
- You will return near North Point. Turn in your quest. Get
Prisoners of the Grimtotems and Unleash the Raptors.
- Go into Blackhoof Village.
- Fight your way to the center at the windmill, and drop the
Raptor Bait to complete Unleash the Raptors.
- Slay the grimtotems to gather their keys and free 5 Theramore
- Look around the village for 7 Blackhoof Armaments and gather
- Kill Grimtotem Elders to get 4 Grimtotem Notes which combine
into the Grimtotem Battle Plan.
- Kill Darkmist Spiders for 20 Unpopped Darkmist Eyes.
- Return to North Point and turn in all four quests. Get Tabetha's
- Go to Swamplight Manor.
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- At Swamplight Manor, turn in your quests. Get Jarl Needs A Blade,
Hungry as an Ogre, and Cleansing Witch Hill.
- Use the Witchbane Torch at the end of the dock and defeat
Zelfrfax and complete Cleansing Witch Hill.
- Kill Razorspine and the Mirefin Murlocs for 8 Mirefin Heads.
- Swim to the island and turn in your quest. Get Secondhand Diving
- Go to the southern part of the island and pick up the Tools
and the Damaged Diving Gear.
- Then, return to Renn McGill and turn in your quest. Get Recover
the Cargo! Open Renn's Supplies and get the Repaired Diving
Gear and the Salvage Kit.
- Swim east and use the Salvage Kit on the Shipwreck Debris and
collect 6 Salvaged Strongboxes.
- Return to Renn McGill and turn in your quest. Get Jaina Must
- Return to Swamplight Manor and turn in your quest.
- Go to Theramore. Turn in your quests and get Survey Alcaz Island
and ...and Bugs.
- Head to Cassa Crimsonwing near the flight master and fly
over Alcaz Island.
- Go on the northeast side of Theramore and kill Spiny Rock
Crab for 12 Pristine Crawler Leg.
- Then, return to Theramore and turn in your quests.
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- Fly to Mudsprocket.
- Go to Tabetha's Farm. Turn in quests. Get The Grimtotem Weapon,
Direhorn Raiders, Raze Direhorn Post, The Reagent Thief, The Zeppelin
Crash, and Help for Mudsprocket
- Kill Noxious Shredders and Darkfang Creepers for 6 Marsh Venom.
Use the Captured Totem and pull the Mottled Drywater Crocolisks
near it, then kill them.
- Go to Direhorn Post. Kill 12 Grimtotems and Burn 3 Tents.
- Go to Moxie Steelgrille and turn in your quests. Get Secure
the Cargo! and Corrosion Prevention.
- Look around the area for 8 Zeppelin Cargo and use the Ooze
Buster on oozes while you're near Power Core Fragments and Dissolve
10 Oozes.
- Then, return to Moxie and turn in the two quests. Get Delivery
for Drazzit.
- Return to Tabetha's Farm and turn in your quests. Get Justice
for the Hyals.
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- At Mudsprocket, turn in your quests. Get all the quests: Bloodfen
Feathers, WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous, Catch a Dragon by the
Tail, and To New Thalanaar.
- Gather 8 Wyrmtails.
- Clear a path to Goreclaw the Ravenous and kill him. Collect
5 Bloodfen Feathers.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in your quests. Get Banner
of the Stonemaul and The Essence of Enmity
- Ride northwest to the Den of Flame and clear your way into the
cave. Use Brogg's Totem on the Firemaw Dragons to collect 10 Black
Dragonkin Essence. Keep left in the cave and loot the Stonemaul
Banner on the left side dead end.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in your quests. Get Spirits
of Stonemaul Hold.
- Go to Stonemaul Ruins and loot the Ogre Remains. A Stonemaul
Spirit will appear after looting. Kill 10 Spirits.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in your quest. Get Challenge
to the Black Flight.
- Go to Onyxia's Lair. At the entrance, plant the Stonemaul Banner
to lure Smolderwing. Kill him.
- Return to Mudsprocket and turn in Challenge to the Black
- To finish things off: Fly (or Hearth, if its up) to
Theramore. Turn in your quests. Get Peace At Last.
- Head northwest out of Theramore and lay the Wreath at the
Hyal Family Monument in the graveyard right outside Theramore.
Wait for the quest to complete.
- Return to Theramore and turn in your quest.
- Fly back to Mudsprocket. Take the flight to New Thalanaar.