- At the Explorers' League Digsite, turn in your quest. Get Dask
"The Flask" Gobfizzle and Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs.
Turn in Dask and get Too Big For His Britches.
- Kill 12 Stranglethorn Basilisk and an Ironjaw Behemoth for its
Ironjaw Humour.
- Return to the Explorers' League Digsite. Turn in your quests
and get: Perfectly Pure, Plush Pelts, Akiris by the Bundle,
and If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...
- Kill Tigers and Panthers for 4 Supple Tiger Fur and 4 Velvety
Panther Fur.
- Fight your way up to the Nek'mani Well Spring. Kill Naga Explorers
for 6 Akiris Reed and gather 6 Naga Icon on the way. Get the Pure
Water at the fountain.
- Return to the Explorers' League Digsite. Turn in your quests.
Get Maywiki and Zanzil's Secret. Turn in Maywiki and get Backdoor
- Go to the Ruins of Jubuwal. Kill Zanzil for 5 Zanzil's Mixture.
At the Totem of Hir'eek, Spy on Zanzil.
- Return to the Explorers' League Digsite. Turn in your quests.
Get Eliminate the Outcast, Results: Inconclusive, and Recipe
for Disaster. Turn in your quest and get Airwyn Bantamflax.
- Go to the Ruins of Aboraz. Kill Zanzil Witch Doctors for Zanzil's
Formulation. You'll also complete Eliminate the Outcast. Get Through
the Troll Hole. Enter the portal.
- You'll arrive in Zul'Gurub. Complete your quest and get High
Priestess Jeklik.
- At High Priestess Jeklik, attack Zanzil. Once he's teleported,
grab the Zanzil's Elixir he drops to heal up, then attack High
Priestess Jeklik's body. Repeat. Once Jeklik is down, complete
the quest and get Plunging Into Zul'Gurub.
- Enter the portal to complete the quest and get High Priest Venoxis.
- At High Priest Venoxis, attack Zanzil. Follow the same pattern
of bringing Zanzil down, then kill all the Spirit of Venoxis,
then attack High Priest Venoxis. You won't need to 'win' this
one. Grab onto the Rope Ladder quickly when it appears and complete
High Priest Venoxis.
- Return to the Explorers' League Digsite. Turn in your quests.
- Ride down the road south to Booty Bay.
- At Booty Bay, turn in your quest. Get the Flight Path. Set your
hearthstone to Booty Bay. Get the 3 quests: Scaring Shaky, Stranglethorn
Fever, The Captain's Chest
- Fight your way to Witch Doctor Unbagwa. Get The Heart of Mokk
and complete it to face three waves of gorilla. Kill Mokk for
the Heart of Mokk. Finish collecting 5 Mistvale Giblets off of
the Elder Mistvale Gorillas.
- Return to Booty Bay. Turn in your quests and get Return to
MacKinley. Turn that quest in and get Kill-Collect.
- As you go up the coast, get Message in a Bottle from a bottle
on the coast. Kill Gorlash for Smotts' Chest.
- Kill Freewheelin' Juntz Fitztittle for Fitztittle's Ratcheting
Torque Wrench.
- Kill Ephram "Midriff" Moonfall for Ephram's Jeweled
- Kill Maury "Club Foot" for Maury's Clubbed Foot.
- At Booty Bay, turn in the two quests. Get The Bloodsail Buccaneers
and A Giant's Feast. Buy a Crate of Grade-E Meat from Kelsey Vance
in the Old Port Authority, left side. Buy a Crate of Pupellyerbos
Port from Whiskey Slim in The Salty Sailor Tavern. Return to Captain
Smotts and turn in A Giant's Feast. Get A Dish Best Served Huge.
- Kill "Good-Boy" Bruce for his Weather-Beaten Coin
which starts An Old Sea Dog. Complete your quest and get Bloodsail
- Return to Booty Bay and turn in your quest. Get The Baron
Must Be Told. Go to the top of the tavern and turn in your quests.
Get Details of the Attack, Up to Snuff, and Keep an Eye Out.
- Use the Ruined Lifeboat to lure Negolash. Kill him.
- Kill 8 Bloodsail Sea Dog and Elder Magus. Loot the Bloodsail
Orders and Bloodsail Charts. Get Dizzy's Eye and 15 Snuff.
- Return to Booty Bay and turn in your four quests. Get Getting
In With the Bloodsail and Mok'rash the Cleaver.
- Swim west and kill Mok'rash. Return to Captain Smotts and
turn in your quest.
- Go to Yancey Grillsen and turn in Getting In With the Bloodsail.
Get Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie.
- Return to Booty Bay and get Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to
Me. Go to the Rikqiz the leatherworkers' house and upstairs
get the Cow Head from Bossy. Get the Oversized Pirate Hat
from Narkk at the Old Port Authority. Return to Fleet Master
Seahorn and turn in the head. Complete the quest.
- Return to Yancey Grillsen and turn in your quest.
- Go to the Keelhaul's Ship.
- On Keelhaul's Ship, turn in your quest and get Swabbing Duty.
- Go upstairs and swab the decks, quickly clicking the stains
that appear. If you fail, grab another mop and try again.
- Turn in your quest. Get Cannonball Swim and The Bane of
Many a Pirate.
- On the ocean floor, pick up 6 Bloodsail Cannonball.
- Pick up 5 Bushel of Limes on the islands (next to trees).
- Return to Keelhaul's Ship. Turn in your two quests and get
Attracting Attention.
- Go to Firallon's Ship. Turn in your quest and get Ol' Blasty
and Our Mortal Enemies.
- Use the cannon and go through the motions of Ready - Aim
(locks in place) - Fire to shoot Smilin' Timmy Sticks 5 times.
- Swim to Jaguero Isle. Use Dead Eye's Flare Gun to allow you
to see Ninjas. Swim to Princess Poohbah and turn in the quest.
Get Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah.
- Kill 5 Jaguero Stalkers nearby.
- Return to Poohbah and turn in your quest. Get Grubby Little
- Kill Gorillas nearby for Poohbah's Slippers, Tiara, Scepter,
and Diary. Also, finish killing 15 Ninjas. Complete Our Mortal
- Return to Poohbah and turn in your quest. Get Mukla's Demise.
- Kill King Mukla for the Shackle Key.
- Return to Poohbah and turn in your quest.
- Return to Firallon's Ship. Turn in your quest. Get Drive-By
Piracy. On the island, talk to the Bloodsail Oarsman to
sail off. Use the same controls as your practice cannon
shots to kill 75 Venture Co. Workers.
- Return to Firallon's Ship. Turn in your quest and get
The Damsel's Luck.
- Go to The Damsel's Luck.
- Go to The Damsel's Luck. and turn in your quest. Get The Brashtide
Crew, Sinking From Within, and Making Mutiny. Over the next three
ships, accuse and kill 9 Bloodsail Corsair.
- On The Damsel's Luck, Sabotage the Grog and Speak to Long
John Copper.
- On Firallon's Ship, Sabotage the Gunpowder and Speak to Shawn
- On Keelhaul's Ship, Speak to Wailing Mary Smitts and Sabotage
the Cannonball
- Complete all three quests and hearth to Booty Bay. Turn in your
quest. Get Doublerum.
- Pick up the Doublerum, get Return to Revilgaz, and complete
your quest. Get Seeking Seahorn and Prepare for Takeoff.
- Hop down to Fleet Master Seahorn and turn in your quest.
Get The Damsel's (Bad) Luck and Turning the Brashtide.
- Use the rope and board The Damsel's Luck. Kill 8 Bloodsail
Corsair. Then, use the rope to go back to Booty Bay.
- Kill 10 Brashtide Raider. Also, at the Old Port Authority,
grab Narkk's Handbombs.
- Return to Baron Revilgaz. Turn in your quests. Get The Final
Voyage of the Brashtide.
- Talk to Kebok on the platform right next to you. Take a
wind rider. Kill 85 Brashtide Crewmen and 6 Attack Boats.
- Return to Baron Revilgaz. Turn in your quest. Get Bloodsail's
- Talk to Kebok again and fly to Fleet Master Firallon. Kill
- Return to Baron Revilgaz. Turn in your quest.
- Make sure you've got The Call of Kalimdor from Booty Bay.
Board the ship to Ratchet. Turn in your quest to Gazlowe.
Get Flight to Theramore / Brackenwall. Talk to Bragok, the
Flight Master, and take the flight over.