Zone Note: You will be required to gather 10
Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red Power Crystal throughout the zone. There's
blue in the southeast, green northeast, yellow northwest, and red
southwest. Pick them up when you see them.
- At Torwa Pathfinder, get The Fare of Lar'korwi and Claws of
- Go to the Piece of Threshadon Carcass and loot it. Kill Ravasaur
nearby for 5 White Ravasaur Claw.
- Return to Torwa Pathfinder. Turn in your quests. Get The Scent
of Lar'korwi and Carried on the Waters.
- In the river, use Garl's Net to capture 4 Un'Goro Lasher Seed.
Run over the eggs on the ground in the Ravasaur camps to spawn
Lar'korwi Mate for 2 Ravasaur Pheromone Gland.
- Return to Torwa Pathfinder. Turn in your quests. Get The
Bait for Lar'korwi and Flowing to the North.
- Go to Ithis Moonwarden.
- At Ithis Moonwarden, Turn in your quest. Get Bouquets of Death.
- Kill 6 Packs of Juvenile Bloodpetals.
- Return to Ithis Moonwarden. Turn in your quest and get Aberrant
- Kill 11 Bloodpetals.
- Get Is This Stuff Still Good at the Crate of Foodstuffs.
- At the rock, open Torwa's Pouch. Use the Preserved Threshadon
Meat and the Preserved Pheromone Mixture. Kill Lar'korwi for his
- Return to Ithis Moonwarden. Turn in your quest and get The
Eastern Pylon. Examine the eastern pylon.
- Return to Torwa Pathfinder. Turn in your quest.
- Go to Marshal's Stand.
- At Marshal's Stand, Turn in your quest. Get Volcanic Activity,
How to Make Meat Fresh Again, Finding the Source, and Crystals
of Power.
- Just north, use your Scraps of Rotting Meat on the dinosaurs.
Lure them into the pit spikes by running into them.
- Fight your way to the north side of Fire Plume Ridge. Use Krakle's
Thermometer to take the hot spot on the north side. Also, kill
the fire elementals for 9 Un'Goro Ash.
- Go to Mossy Pile. Get the Flight Path and flight back to Marshal's
Stand. Turn in your quests. Get Blazerunner and Lost.
- At the top of Fire Plume Ridge, kill Blazerunner.
- Go to Ringo. Turn in your quest and get A Little Help From my
- Escort Ringo to Marshal's Stand. Turn in your quests. Get
The Fledgling Colossus and Peculiar Delicacies.
- Fight your way through The Slithering Scar's cave. Kill the
Gorishi Fledgling Colossus - make sure to hide behind something
at each Poison Explosion. On your way out, kill the Silithid for
96 Legs.
- Return to Marshal's Stand. Turn in your quests. Get Mossy
- Fly to Mossy Pile. Turn in your quest. Get Super Sticky, Hard
to Harvest, Marshal's Refuse, and Shizzle's Flyer.
- Kill Frenzied Pterrodax for 35 Webbed Pterrodax Scale.
- At the Lakkari Tar Pits, Kill the Tar Lurkers and use Tara's
Tar Scraper for 8 Super Sticky Tar. As well, collect 4 Tarblossom
Blossom from the pits. Also, collect 7 Yellow Power Crystal.
- Gather 10 Discarded Supplies. Make sure to kill the Stone Guardians
you get them, as they will aggro.
- At Mossy Pile, Turn in your quests. Get Gormashh The Glutinous,
The Apes of Un'Goro, and Chasing A-Me 01.
- Kill Gormashh. Use Tara's Tar Scraper to obtain Unbelievably
Sticky Tar.
- Go to A-Me 01. Turn in your quest and get Repairing A-Me 01.
- Loot an Un'Goro Coconut underneath a tree.
- Go into Fungal Rock Cave. Get The Mighty U'cha. Within the cave,
kill U'cha and other Gorillas to obtain 2 Un'Goro Gorilla, Stomper,
and Thunder Pelt, as well as U'cha's Pelt.
- Return to A-Me 01. Use the Coconut at the rock. Open the
coconut, then turn in your quest. Also, collect 7 Green Power
- Return to the Mossy Pile and turn in your quests. Get The
Northern Pylon.
- Go to the Northern Pylon and examine it.
- Hearth to Marshal's Stand.
- At Marshal's Stand, Turn in your quests. Get Adventures in Archaeology.
- Go to the Golakka Hot Springs. Turn in your quest. Get Roll
the Bones and An Important Lesson. Speak to Maximillian of Northshire
and go through his dialogue and complete the quest. Get The Evil
Dragons of Un'Goro and Damsels Were Made to be Saved.
- Save the Damsel of the North.
- Save the Damsel in the Cliffs.
- Save the Damsel by the Shore.
- Get the Research Equipment. Finish killing 15 "Dragons"
and gathering 8 Dinosaur Bones in the area and gathering 7 Red
Power Crystal.
- Return to the Golakka Hot Springs.
- At the Golakka Hot Springs, turn in your quests. Get The Spirits
of Golakka Hot Springs and The Fossil Finder 3000.
- Walk next to 2 Steaming Fury. Let Maximillian recite his
prayers. Get The Ballad of Maximillian. Begin the ride. Use
stomp to pick up a rock. At the Devilsaur Queen, throw a rock
at her. Then, you'll periodically be able to throw Armor at
the queen, until she dies. Complete your quest.
- Go to the Enormous Dinosaur Talon area. Use your Fossil-Finder
3000 and head in that direction. Keep using it until you've tracked
down the Enormous Dinosaur Talon.
- Kill Durrin Direshovel for his Archaelogical Findings.
- Return to the Golakka Hot Springs. Turn in your quest. Get
The Western Pylon.
- Go to the Western Pylon and examine it.
- Return to Marshal's Stand. Turn in all your quests. Get The
Shaper's Terrace. Talk with the Un'Goro Examinant and teleport
to The Shaper's Terrace. Walk upstairs and turn in your quest.
Get Ever Watching From above. Complete the tasks by pulling the
four levers, then complete your quest. Be sent back to Marshal's