- Go to Camp Mojache. Get the Flight Path.
- Go to Stonemaul Hold. Get the Flight Path.
- Go to Zorbin Fandazzle. Get Still With the Zapped Giants and
Even More Fuel for the Zapping.
- Go to Camp Ataya. Get the Flight Path. Set your Hearthstone
to Camp Ataya.
- At Camp Ataya, get the three quests: Signs of Change, Vengeance
on the Northspring, and Dark Heart.
- Kill 6 Northspring Harpy and 6 Northspring Windcaller. Obtain
a Horn of Hatetalon and use it on the northern ruins to summon,
then kill Edana Hatetalon for Edana's Dark Heart.
- Kill Sharphorn Stag for 8 Infected Stag Antler.
- Return to Camp Ataya and turn in the three quests. Get More
Than Illness.
- Kill 10 Noxious Whelp.
- Return to Camp Ataya and turn in your quest. Get Tears of
Stone and The Land, Corrupted.
- Kill 7 Corrupted Cliff Giant and gather 7 Stonetear.
- Return to Camp Ataya and turn in your quests. Get Sealing
the Dream.
- Go to Dream Bough. Use Ysondre's Tear to close the portal.
- Hearth to Camp Ataya. Turn in your quest. Get the follow-up
Stonemaul Hold.
- Fly to Stonemaul Hold.
- At Stonemaul Hold, turn in your quest. Get The Gordunni Threat,
The Gordunni Orb, Testing the Vessel, and The Mark of Quality.
- Go north and kill Rage Scar Yeti for 10 Thick Yeti Hide.
- Kill Sea Sprays for 10 Water Elemental Core. Zap Shore Striders
with Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker, then kill them and loot 6 Miniaturization
- Return to Zorbin Fandazzle and turn in your quests.
- Kill the Longtooth Runners and Ironfur Bears along the way.
Use the Beast Muisek Vessel on their corpses to Capture 10 Beast.
- Return to Stonemaul Hold and turn in your quest. Get Improved
Quality and Hippogryph Muisek.
- Kill Feral Scar Yetis for 10 Feral Scar Yeti Hide as you enter
into the cave. If you get lucky, you'll get a Perfect Yeti Hide
which starts Perfect Yeti Hide. If you have an OOX-22 / FE Distress
Beacon, complete your quest. Don't get the escort quest follow-up.
- Kill Hippogryphs and use the Hippogryph Muisek Vessel to Capture
10 Hippogryph Muisek.
- Kill 16 ogres. Collect 1 Gordunni Orb which drops off Gordunni
- Return to Stonemaul Hold.
- At Stonemaul Hold, turn in your quests. Get Rulers of Dire Maul
and Ogre Abduction.
- Ride northeast to Dire Maul. Kill 6 Gordok Enforcer and 6 Gordok
Ogre-Mage. Also, use the Modified Soul Orb on a Gordok Ogre-Mage
when it is weak to capture it.
- Return to Stonemaul Hold. Turn in Rulers of Dire Maul and
Ogre Abduction. Get the follow-up Might of the Stonemaul.
- Ride straight to the north end of Dire Maul and jump into the
arena. Defeat the ogre attendants.
- Return to Stonemaul Hold. Turn in your quest. Get To Camp
- Fly to Camp Mojache.
- At Camp Mojache, turn in your quest. Collect all the quests:
The Darkmist Ruins, Treant Muisek, War on the Woodpaw, The Hilltop
Threat, Twisted Sisters, Saving Warpwood (Dungeon), and The Highborne
- Kill Woodpaw Gnolls for 10 Woodpaw Gnoll Mane and Wandering
Forest Walkers for 3 Treant Muisek.
- Return to Camp Mojache. Turn in your quests. Get Alpha Strike,
Woodpaw Investigation, Faerie Dragon Muisek, and A New Cloak's
- Return to the Woodpaw Battle Plans and turn in your quest.
Get The Battle Plans.
- Go to the Empty Pedestal. Turn in The Darkmist Ruins and get
the follow-ups: The Darkmist Legacy and Ancient Suffering.
- Kill Highborne Poltergeist nearby to the north for 6 Soul
Essence and gather 6 Glowing Soil (note that these can
be pretty hard to see - look at the dirt)
- Return to Sensiria. Turn in your quests. Get Verinias the
- At Verinias' Dead Tree, use the Mournful Essence. Kill Verinias
the Twisted.
- Return to Sensiria. Turn in your quest. Get Return to Sage
- Kill 5 Woodpaw Alpha.
- Kill Sprite Darters for 10 Iridescent Sprite Dartter Wings and
8 Faerie Dragon Muisek.
- At Camp Mojache, Turn in your quests. Get Zukk'ash Infestation,
Stinglasher, Mountain Giant Muisek, and A Grim Discovery.
- Go to the Writhing Deep. Kill Stinglasher who will be flying
outside (not in a tunnel) for Stinglasher's Glands. Kill
Zukk'ash for 20 Zukk'ash Carapace.
- Kill Mountain Giants for 7 Mountain Giant Muisek.
- Kill Grimtotems for 20 Grimtotem Horn.
- Kill 5 Gordunni Hillguard.
- Kill 7 Twisted Sister.
- At Camp Mojache, turn in your quests. Get the new quests: Sasquatch
Sighting, Taming the Tamers, and Ysondre's Call
- Fight your way to the furthest Northeast part of the Gordunni
Outpost. Kill 6 Gordunni Tamer and Bigfist.
- Ride east to Ysondre. Turn in Ysondre's Call. Get the follow-up
Taerar's Fall. Talk to her again to summon Taerar. Defeat him,
then complete the quest. Get the follow-up Ysondre's Farewell.
- Return to Camp Mojache. Turn in your quests.
- Fly to Westreach Summit.