- At Gadgetzan, turn in your quest. Get Seaside Salvage, Puddle
Stomping, and Butcherbot.
- Kill 10 Glasshide Basilisk and use the Butcherbot on their corpses.
- Kill 8 Tidal Strider and Collect 7 Steamwheedle Supplies.
- Return to Tanaris. Turn in your quests. Get Rocket Rescue
and Scavengers Scavenged.
- Get in the Rescue Balloon. Rescue 5 Survivors and Kill 40 Southsea
Blockaders. Once done, Rocket Pack back.
- Kill 12 Fire Rocs and use the Butcherbot on their corpses.
- Return to Gadgetzan. Turn in your quests. Get Blisterpaw
Butchery and Momentum.
- Kill 12 Blisterpaw Hyena and use the Butcherbot on their corpses.
- Return to Gadgetzan. Turn in your quest. Get Sandsorrow Watch.
- Go to Sandsorrow Watch.
- At Sandsorrow Watch, turn in your quest. Get I'm With Scorpid
and Blood to Thrive.
- Kill Scorpions for 6 Duneclaw Stinger.
- Kill Sandfury Trolls for 6 Fistful of Blood.
- Return to Sandsorrow Watch. Turn in your quests. Get Sang'thraze
the Defector and Gargantapid.
- Kill Gargantapid for its Poison Gland.
- Kill Zakkaru for the sealed Sang'Thraze.
- Return to Sandsorrow Watch. Turn in your quests. Get Darkest
- Kill Sandfury Zombies and open the Shallow Graves for 6 Darkest
- Return to Sandsorrow Watch. Turn in your quest. Get Secrets
in the Oasis.
- Go to Jang'thraze the Protector and loot it. In a plot twist,
you'll have to kill Mazoga.
- Return to Sandsorrow Watch. Turn in your quest.
- Go to Kelsey Steelspark. Turn in your quest. Get Dead Man's
Chest, To The Ground, and Lootin' Plunder.
- Go into Lost Rigger Cove. Burn the three buildings, Collect
10 Pirate Booty, and Kill 15 Southsea Pirates.
- Return to Kelsey Steelspark. Turn in your quests. Get Going
Off-Task and Filling Our Pockets.
- Kill the Southsea Taskmaster below deck.
- Kill Southsea Musketeers and Strongarms for 20 Gold Filling.
- Return to Kelsey Steelspark. Turn in your quests. Get Captain
- Kill Captain Dreadbeard.
- Return to Kelsey Steelspark. Turn in your quest. Get All Cheered
- Go to Zeke Bootscuff.
- At Zeke Bootscuff, turn in your quest. Get Cutting Losses and
A Few Good Goblins.
- Kill 15 Silithid and Rescue 8 Goblins.
- Return to Zeke. Turn in your quests. Get Chicken of the Desert
and Gazer Tag.
- Kill Glasshide Gazer and Rabid Blisterpaw for 6 Hyena Chunk
and 5 Ocular Crystal.
- Return to Zeke. Turn in your quests. Get A Great Idea.
- Use the Bootlegger Bug Bait on a Hazzali Swarmer. Walk it back,
without mounting, back to Zeke. Complete your quest. Get Just
Trying to Kill Some Bugs.
- Talk to Narain Soothfancy and pilot the Mind-controlled
Swarmer. Once inside the hive, use your Sense Pheromones to
follow the trail. Detonate the bug. Complete your quest. Get
Land's End.
- NOTE: If you've gotten an OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon by now,
a random drop off of a mob, then bring it to the chicken robot
in the area. Complete the quest; however, don't get the escort
- Go to Kelsey Steelspark.
- At Kelsey Steelspark, turn in your quest. Get Define "Crazy"
and What We Came For.
- Kill 10 Crazed Bilgewater Survivor and loot the Salt-Crusted
Journal from the locker.
- Return to Kelsey and turn in your quests. Get Terrapination.
- Kill Surf Gliders until you get a Turtle-Digested Key.
- Return to Kelsey and turn in your quest. Get You Too, Brute.
- Kill Meatface and loot his Chest.
- Return to Kelsey and turn in your quest. Get Prospector Gunstan.
- Go to Prospector Gunstan.
- At Prospector Gunstan, turn in your quest. Get Ancient Obstacles,
Laying Claim, Fragments of Languages, and The Thunderdrome.
- Kill 10 Reliquary Digger and Gather 5 Ancient Hieroglyphs.
- Return to Prospector Gunstan. Turn in your quest. Get Ancient
- Kill 6 Sandstone Golem.
- Return to Prospector Gunstan. Turn in your quest. Get The
Secrets of Uldum.
- Go to the Antediluvean Chest. Turn in your quest. Get What Lies
Within. Kill the Antechamber Guardian and complete your quest.
Get The Grand Tablet.
- Return to Prospector Gunstan. Turn in your quest. Get Tropical
Paradise Beckons.