- Pick up Balance of Nature from Ilthalaine, the Questmaster directly
in front of you.
- Kill 6 Young Nightsabers.
- Return to Ilthalaine and turn in your quest. Get Fel Moss
Corruption and Demonic Thieves.
- Kill Grell for 6 Fel Moss and gather 5 Melithar's Stolen Bags.
- Return to Ilthalaine and turn in your quest. Get your Class
- Go to Aldrassil and turn in your Class quest. Train your skill
and practice it to complete your quest. Get Priestess of the Moon.
- Go to Dentaria Silverglade. Turn in your quest. Get Iverron's
- Collect 7 Moonpetal Lily nearby. Then, turn in your quest.
Get The Woodland Protector.
- Enter the Shadowthread Cave. Taindrella will appear. Turn in
your quest. Get Webwood Corruption.
- Continue into the cave. Kill 12 Webwood Spider. Turn in
your quest. Get Vile Touch.
- In the cave, at the northern end, kill Githyiss the Vile.
Complete your quest and get Signs of Things to Come. You will
be warped out and you can turn in the quest. Get Teldrassil:
Crown of Azeroth.
- Go to the moonwell and use the Crystal Phial.
- Return to Dentaria and turn in your quest. Get Precious Waters.
- Go to the southwest side of Aldrassil and climb up the outer
tree ramp.
- At Tenarion Stormgrip on the top of Aldrassil, turn in your
quest. Get Teldrassil: Passing Awareness.
- At Porthannius, get Dolanaar Delivery.
- At Zenn Foulhoof, get Zenn's Bidding.
- Kill the local wildlife for 2 Nightsaber Fang, 2 Strigid Owl
Feather, and 2 Webwood Wpider Silk.
- Return to Zenn Foulhoof and turn in your quest.
- Go to Dolanaar.
- At Dolanaar, turn in your quests. Get Seek Redemption!, The
Emerald Dreamcatcher, A Troubling Breeze, and Teldrassil: The
Refusal of the Aspects.
- Gather 3 Fel Cone.
- At the Moonwell, Fill your Jade Phial.
- Go to Gaerolas Talvethren. Turn in your quest and get Gnarlpine
- Collect the Emerald Dreamcatcher.
- Go to Zenn Foulhoof and turn in your quest.
- At Dolanaar, turn in all your quests, get new quests, turn those
in as well. You should end up with six quests: Nature's reprisal,
Ferocitas the Dream Eater, Twisted Hatred, The Relics of Wakening,
Resident Danger, and To Darnassus.
- At the flight master, fly to Darnassus. Turn in the flight
path quest line, fly back, and turn in your quest back to Dolanaar.
- Kill Ferocitas and 7 Gnarlpine Mystics. Loot Tallonkai's Jewel.
- Then, return to Dolanaar. Speak to Citarre Mapleheart at
the inn area and get a ride to Ban'ethil Barrow Den.
- Enter the Ban'ethil Barrow Den. A Sentinel Huntress will join
you to help.
- When you enter, take the first right side bridge to get
to Oben Rageclaw. Get The Sleeping Druid. Kill your way through
- as soon as you get a Shaman Voodoo Charm, return and turn
in your quest. Get Druid of the Claw. Go to the center locked
door from the entrance and kill Rageclaw, then use the Voodoo
Charm on it.
- First, ask her where the Black Feather Quill is. Follow
the mist.
- Then, ask about the Sapphire of the Sky.
- Then, the Raven Claw Talisman.
- Then, the Rune of Nesting.
- Finally, ask about how to exit.
- Go to Fel Rock. Go up the right side path. Use your Ireroot
Seeds on 12 Fel Rock grellkin on your way to Melenas - kill him
for his head.
- Return to Dolanaar. Turn in all your quests. Get Ursal the
- Go to Moon Priestess Amara. Get The Road to Darnassus.
- Fight your way through the Gnarlpine Ambushers, killing 8, to
kill Ursal the Mauler.
- At Dolanaar, turn in your quest. Get Denalan's Earth.
- Go to Denalan. Turn in your quest. Get Timberling Seeds and
Timberling Sprouts.
- In the immediate area, kill Timberlings for 6 Timberliing
Seed and collect 10 Timberling Sprout.
- Then, go to Denalan and turn in your quests. Get Rellian
- Go to Moon Priestess Amara and turn in your quest.
- Go to the Wellspring Hovel and turn in your quest. Get Mossy
- Kill Timberlings for 5 Mossy Tumors.
- Return to the Wellspring Hovel and turn in your quest. Get
- Kill Oakenscowl. Loot his Gargantuan Tumor.
- Then, return to the Wellspring Hovel.
- At the Wellspring Hovel, turn in your quest.
- Go to Corithras Moonrage. Get Teldrassil: The Burden of the
- Go to The Oracle Glade. Get The Enchanted Glade and Tears of
the Moon. Also, fill the Amethyst Phial at the Moonwell.
- Kill Lady Sathrah for her Silvery Spinerrets.
- Get The Shimmering Frond at the Plant.
- Go to Mist. Get Mist. Also, kill Harpies in the area for 6 Bloodfeather
- Then, return to The Oracle Glade. Turn in your quests.
- Then, return to Corithras Moonrage. Turn in your quest and
get Teldrassil: The Coming Dawn.
- Then, return to Wellspring Hovel.
- At Wellspring Hovel, turn in your quest.
- Go to the Pools of Arlithrien. Fill the Tourmaline Phial at
the moonwell, then turn in your quest to Taindrella. Get The Vengeance
of Elune.
- Fight your way to the Bough of Corruption. Use Moonlight and
use Starfall while standing in it to do terrible damage.
- Go to Corithas Moonrage and turn in your quest. Get Home of
the Kaldorei.
- Go to the southwest end of Darnassus and turn in your quest
to Tyrande Whisperwind. Get Breaking Waves of Change.
- Go through the glowing pink teleportation device to go to Rut'theran
- At the south end of Rut'theran Village, at the end of the
pier, wait for the ship to arrive. Board it and ride to Stormwind
- At the Trade District in Stormwind, get Hero's Call: Westfall!
Also, get the Flight Path.
- Travel down the path to Goldshire. Get the Flight Path.
- Go west along the path into Westfall.