- Go to Stormwind. Get Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!
- Go to Cenarion Emissary Jademoon in Stormwind Keep and take
the portal to Moonglade.
- Go to Nighthaven in Moonglade. Turn in your quest and get As
Hyjal Burns.
- Mount the dragon Aronus to fly to Hyjal. Turn in your quest.
Get As Hyjal Burns.
- Turn in As Hyjal Burns. Get the three quests around Tholo Whitehoof
and from Ysera inside the building: Inciting the Elements, Protect
the World Tree, and The Earth Rises
- Gather 4 Juniper Berries and feed them to Faerie Dragons. Kill
4 Twilight Inciters. Kill 6 Scalding Rock Elemental.
- Return to Tholo Whitehoof and turn in your three quests.
Get Flames from Above.
- Use Tholo's Horn at the Twilight Encampment.
- Return to Tholo Whitehoof and turn in your quest.
- Fly to Malfurion Stormrage.
- At Malfurion Stormrage, turn in your quest. Get War on the Twilight's
Hammer and The Flameseer's Staff.
- Gather 8 Charred Staff Fragment, kill 4 Twilight Flamecaller,
and kill 10 Twilight Vanquisher.
- Return to Malfurion and turn in your two quests. Get Flamebreaker.
- Use your Flameseer's Staff on Blazehound Revenants around the
center area and kill 30 of the Unbound Flame Spirits.
- Return to Malfurion and turn in your quest. Get The Return
of Baron Geddon.
- Use the Flameseer's Staff on Baron Geddon at the center of
the crater. Make sure to back off when Baron Geddon is casting
inferno, then go back in and use it again.
- Return to Malfurion and turn in your quest. Get Emerald Allies.
- Fly to Alysra. Turn in your quest and get The Captured Scout.
- Fly to Scout Larandia. Turn in your quest and get Twilight Captivity.
- Kill a Twilight Overseer at the camp for his key.
- Return to Scout Larandis and turn in your quest. Get Return
to Alysra.
- Return to Alysra and turn in your quest. Get A Prisoner
of Interest.
- Go into the Barrow Dens. Turn in your quest. Get Through the
- Escort the druid outside and turn in your quest. Get Return
to Nordrassil.
- Fly to Ysera at Nordrassil. Turn in Return to Nordrassil. Get
The Return of the Ancients.
- Fly to Oomla Whitehorn. Turn in your quest. Get Harrying the
Hunters, End of the Supply Line, and In The Rear With the Gear.
- Below, kill 4 Twilight Proveditor. Gather 36 Twilight Supplies
when the slaves drop them. Kill 6 Twilight Hunter.
- Return to Oomla Whitehorn. Turn in your three quests. Get
The Voice of Goldrinn.
- Fly to Ian Duran. Turn in your quest. Get Goldrinn's Ferocity.
- Kill Lycanthoth Vandal for 6 Polluted Essence.
- Return to Ian Duran. Turn in your quest and get Lycantoth
the Corruptor.
- Enter the Maw of Lycanthoth and use Lycanthoth's Incense. Kill
Lycanthoth. Turn in your quest and get The Shrine Reclaimed.
- Return to Ian Duran. Turn in your quest and get Cleaning
House, From the Mouth of Madness, and The Eye of Twilight.
- Pick up a Bitterblossom at the lake nearby.
- Outside the cave.
- Complete The Eye of Twilight at the Eye of Twilight. Get
Mastering Puppets.
- Collect a Stonebloom outside the cave entrance.
- Collect a Darkflame Ember inside the Brazier. Go to the
Twilight Cauldron and turn in From the Mouth of Madness and
get Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows.
- Inside the cave.
- Get Gar'gol's Gotta Go from Kristoff Manheim.
- Go to The Twilight Apocrypha and complete Mastering Puppets.
Get Elementary! Activate the crucibles in this order: Fire,
Earth, Air, Water. Complete the quest and get Return to Duskwhisper.
- Get the Rusted Skull Key from Gar'gol's Personal Treasure
- Turn in Gar'Gol's Gotta Go to Kristoff Manheim. Get Get
Me Outta Here! Escort Kristoff out, finish killing 8 Minions
of Gar'gol, and Free 8 Twilight Servitors.
- Return to Ian Duran.
- At Ian Duran, turn in your quests. Get Sweeping the Shelf and
Lightning in a Bottle.
- Use a Lightning Channel. Then, use the Totem of Lo'Gosh. Turn
in your quest and get Into the Maw! Outside, kill 8 Twilight Stormcaller
and 5 Howling Riftdweller. Then, enter the gate.
- You'll enter the Firelands Forgeworks. Turn in Into the
Maw! and get Forged of Shadow and Flame, Crushing the Cores,
and Rage of the Wolf Ancient.
- Kill 12 Dark Iron Laborer, kill Searing Guardians for 8
Smoldering Cores, go to an anvil and use the Smoldering Cores
to destroy them, and gather 10 Twilight Arms Crates.
- Return to the entrance and turn in your quests. Get Cindermaul:
the Portal Master.
- Kill Cindemaul (he's off a small sidepath to the left deeper
in the cave) and get the Tome of Openings.
- Return to the entrance and turn in your quest. Get Forgemaster
- Kill Forgemaster Pyrendius at the furthest end of the Forgeworks.
Lure him over to Portal Runes and activate them to make him
take heavy damage.
- Return to the entrance and turn in your quest. Get Return
from the Firelands.
- Finally, exit the gate and return to Ian Duran. Turn in
your two quests. Get Aviana's Legacy and The Fires of Mount
- Fly to the Grove of Aessina.
- At the Grove of Aessina, turn in your quest and get Disrupting
the Rituals, Fighting Fire With ... Anything, Save the Wee Animals,
and If You're Not Against Us.
- Speak to Blackhorn. Turn in your quest and get Seeds of Their
- Nearby, kill Wailing Weeds for 8 Bileberry.
- Return to Blackhorn and turn in your quest. Get A New Master.
- At the Inferno:
- Kill a Twilight Inferno Lord. Use the Bottled Bileberry
Brew on the corpse of one of them and turn in your quest.
Get The Name Never Spoken.
- Examine the Southern, Central, and Northern Firestone
- Kill 6 Twilight Inferno Lord and 10 Raging Firestorm
- Rescue 10 Frightened Animal
- Return to Blackhorn and turn in your quest. Get Black Heart
of Flame.
- Return to Grove Aessina.
- Go to Grove Aessina. Turn in your quests. Get Oh, Deer!
- Go to The Inferno. Use the Charged Branch and loot the Black
Heart of Thol'embaar.
- Rescue 3 Injured Fawn and escort them to the Grove of Aessina
to Mylune. Note that you'll have to clear a path for them since
the mobs will attack the deer. Turn in your quest.
- Go to Blackhorn and turn in your quest.
- Go to Laina Nightsky at the Grove of Aessina and get Last
Stand at Whistling Grove.
- Go to Keeper Taldros and turn in your quest. Get The Bears Up
- Use a Climbing Tree at the bottom of a tree. Climb up and
pick up a Hyjal Bear Cub.
- At the top of the tree, aim at the trampoline and Chuck-a-Bear.
Repeat these steps 6 times - climb down, pick up a bear, climb
up, chuck-a-bear.
- Turn in your quest. Get Smashing Through Ashes.
- Kill 8 Charbringer.
- Go to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
- At Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem, turn in your quest. Get Durable
Seeds, Fresh Bait, and Firebreak.
- Kill 10 Twilight Earthscorcher, Kill Core Hounds for 6 Core
Hound Entrails, Gather 10 Hyjal Seedlings from the Scorched Soil.
- Return to the Arch Druid and turn in your quests. Get Hell's
Shells and Preparing the Soil.
- Go to a Flameward. Activate and defend it.
- Look around the area for Nemesis, the giant turtle. Use
the Heap of Core Hound Innards near it, then click him to
gather a Nemesis Shell Fragment.
- Run away! Back to the Arch Druid and turn in your quests.
Get Tortolla Speaks.
- Turn in your quest to Tortolla. Get Breaking the Bonds and Children
of Tortolla.
- Deactivate the two Rods of Subjugation next to Tortolla.
- Jump into the lake and kill the Deep Corruptors to Save
6 of Tortolla's Eggs.
- Return to Tortolla and turn in your quests. Get An Ancient
- Return to the Arch Druid and turn in your quest.
- Fly to the Shrine of Aviana.
- At the Shrine of Aviana, turn in your quest. Get An Offering
for Aviana, The Wormwing Problem, and Scrambling for Eggs.
- At Aviana's Burial Circle, use the Sacred Nectar. Complete your
quest and get A Plea From Beyond.
- Return to Choluna and turn in your quest. Get A Prayer and
a Wing.
- Fly up to Blaithe's Roost. Use the Enormous Bird Call. Kill
Blaithe and loot its Ancient Feather.
- Kill 10 Wormwing Harpy and gather 8 Hyjal Egg.
- Return to the Shrine of Aviana and turn in your quests.
Get A Bird in Hand.
- Fly down and use a Harpy Signal Fire to summon Marion Wormwing.
Go through the dialogue.
- Return to the Shrine of Aviana and turn in your quest. Upstairs,
get the new quest Fact-Finding Mission.
- Fly to Thisalee.
- At Thisalee, turn in your quest. Get Sethria's Brood and A Chink
in Their Armor.
- Get The Codex of Shadows from the Codex of Shadows. Kill 12
Twilight Dragonkin and gather 8 Twilight Armor Plate.
- Return to Thisalee and turn in your quests. Get Disassembly
and Egg Hunt.
- Use Thisalee's Shiv on Twilight Juggernauts to make them vulnerable.
You can keep using it on them to make them weaker. Kill 3 of them.
Also, use the various Shadow Cloak Generators until you find the
one which unveils Aviana's Egg. Then, defend the egg.
- Return to Thisalee and turn in your quests. Get Sethria's
- Attack Sethria until she reveals her dragon form. Then, use
Thisalee's Signal Rocket. Kill Sethria.
- Return to Thisalee and turn in your quest. Get Return to
the Shrine.
- Return to the Shrine of Aviana.
- At the Shrine of Aviana, turn in your quest. Get An Ancient
- Take the stairs to the next room over and use Herald's Incense.
Turn in your quest. Get The Hatchery Must Burn and The Last
Living Lorekeeper.
- Enter the Flamegate into Firelands Hatchery. Turn in your quest.
Get Flight in the Firelands.
- Get a Twilight Firelance from the Twilight Weapon Rack and
equip it. Mount one of Aviana's Guardians.
- Use Flap repeatedly to fly to the Guardian Flag.
- Then, fly back and turn in your quest. Get Wave One.
- Flap and ram your way into 10 Twilight Knight Rider to kill
- Then, fly back and turn in your quest. Get Wave Two.
- Once again, flap out and kill 10 Twilight Lancer.
- Fly back and turn in your quest. Get Egg Wave.
- Flap out and, on the ground, run over 40 Firelands Eggs.
- Fly back and turn in your quest. Get Return to Aviana.
- Dismount, don't forget to equip your normal weapon, and exit
the portal.
- Return to Aviana. Turn in your quest.
- Fly to Nordu. Turn in your quest. Get Firefight.
- Kill 5 Fiery Tormenter nearby, then return to Nordu and
turn in your quest. Get Aessina's Miracle.
- Fly to the Grove of Aessina. Turn in your quest. Get Tortolla's
- Fly to Tortolla.
- At Tortolla, turn in your quest. Get The Hammer and the Key,
Lost Wardens, and Breakthrough.
- Fly to Logram. Get Hyjal Recycling Program.
- Kill 10 Twilight Scorchlords, Kill a Twilight Field Captain
for a Glyph of Opening, Rescue 8 Lost Wardens, and Gather 15 Warden's
- Return to Tortolla. Turn in your quest. Get The Third Flamegate.
- Return to Logram. Turn in your quests. Get Pressing the
- Kill 4 Twilight Field Captain. Enter the Flamegate.
- Inside The Crucible of Flame, turn in your quest. Get The
Time for Mercy Has Passed and The Strength of Tortolla.
- Fight your way to the end of the cave and make sure your
Child of Tortolla is with you. Examine the Nemesis Crystal.
- Return to the entrance. On the way, make sure to kill 4
Shadowflame Master and 10 Molten Tormenter. Turn in your quests
and get Finish Nemesis.
- Once again, go to the back of the cave. Kill Nemesis. Make
sure to use your Totem of Tortolla when Nemesis is about to
- Return to the entrance and turn in your quest. Get Tortolla's
- Return to Captain Irontree outside and turn in your quest
- Return to Tortolla and turn in your quest. Get The Ancients
are With Us.
- Fly to Ysera. Turn in your quest. Get Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
- Fly to Elementalist Ortell.
- Talk to a Twilight Recruit. Bring him back to Elementalist Ortell,
then use the Blackjack on him.
- Fly to Condenna the Pitiless and turn in your quest. Get Trial
By Fire, In Bloom, and Waste of Flesh.
- At the Twilight Gauntlet, Kill 8 Fiery Instructor, Gather 5
Flame Blossom, and use your Frostgale Crystal on an Immolated
- Return to Condenna the Pitless and turn in your quests.
Get Twilight Training.
- Fly to The Forge of Supplication and turn in your quest. Get
all the quests in the area - Physical Training: Forced Labor,
Walking the Dog, and Gather the Intelligence.
- The Twilight Communique is in this camp. Pick it up.
- Pick up the Hyjal Battleplans.
- Use your Fiery Leash to summon the Spawn of Smolderos. Break
5 Darkwhisper Lodestone. Kill 5 Spinescale Basilisk for 5 Charred
Basilisk Meat. Feed your Spawn of Smolderos the meat.
- Return to The Forge of Supplication.
- At the Forge of Supplication, turn in your three quests and
get the new three: A Champion's Collar, Seeds of Discord, and
Agility Training: Run Like Hell.
- Run away from the Blazing Trainer for a minute, then turn
in Agility Training. Get Mental Training: Speaking the Truth
to Power.
- Use the Orb of Ascension. Answer Yes (Ability 1) and No (Ability
2) to the questions. When done, dismiss the orb using Ability
4. Then, turn in your quest. Get Spiritual Training: Mercy is
For the Weak.
- Kill 5 Failed Supplicant, and get The Defector from Maurice.
- Kill the Spinescale Matriarch for the Spiked Basilisk Hide.
- Return to The Forge of Supplication and turn in your quests.
Get Grudge Match.
- Fly to the Seat of the Chosen.
- In the west hut, talk to Gromm'ko and challenge his raptor.
Kill Gromm'ko.
- Go to the Ogre Outhouse, to the east of the main building.
Put on the Ogre Disguise.
- Go into the main building and talk to Karr'gonn. Then, kill
the High Cultist Azennios.
- Return to The Forge of Supplication and turn in your quests.
Get The Greater of Two Evils and Twilight Territory.
- Use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy on Garnoth, Fist of the
Legion. Spam your abilities on him - Flame Shield (Ability 2)
one time, then Ascendant Strike (Ability 1) three times, repeat,
is a good pattern. Also, kill 10 Horrorguard in the area.
- Return to the Forge of Supplication.
- At the Forge of Supplication, turn in your quests. Get Speech
Writing for Dummies.
- Kill Okrog as he walks outside the Seat of the Chosen.
- Return to the Forge of Supplication. Turn in your quest
and get Head of the Class. Turn that quest in and get Graduation
- Use the Initiation Podium. After 10 successes, turn in your
quest and get Twilight Riot.
- Inspire! (Ability 1) when the crowd seems bored.
- Incite! (Ability 2) when the crowd seems angry.
- Pander! (Ability 3) when the crowd seems crazy.
- Fly to Jarod Shadowsong.
- At Jarod Shadowsong, turn in your quest. Get Slash and Burn.
Hop on an Emerald Drake.
- Fly to Darkwhisper Gorge. Use Aerial Swipe (Ability 2) to kill
5 Twilight Stormwalker and Acid Blast (Ability 1) to kill 40 Twilight's
Hammer Units.
- Return to Jarod Shadowsong and turn in your quest. Get Might
of the Firelord and Secrets of the Flame.
- Fly to the Ascendant's Circle. In the camp, gather the Ascendant's
Codex, Tome of Flame, and The Burning Litanies - all of them are
on tables or inside tents. Kill 5 Twilight Subjugator and 4 Flame
Ascendant. Make sure to pick up the quest The Twilight Egg from
the Pure Twilight Egg.
- Return to Jarod Shadowsong and turn in your quests. Get
The Gatekeeper, Brood of Evil, and The Sanctum of the Prophets.
- Kill a Young Twilight Drake for a Young Twilight Drake Skull.
- Use the Horn of Cenarius on Azralon the Gatekeeper, then kill
him. Also kill 4 Twilight Augur, 4 Twilight Retainer, and 1 Emissary
of Flame.
- Return to Jarod Shadowsong.
- At Jarod Shadowsong, turn in your quests. Get The Firelord,
Magma Monarch, and Death to the Broodmother
- Use the Twilight Drake Skull to summon Desperiona. Kill her.
- Use the Drums of the Turtle God to summon Tortolla aagainst
King Moltron. Kill him.
- Enter and talk to Cenarius to begin the battle against Ragnaros.
If you do physical damage, make sure to help Runetotem on the
left side - if magical, help out Malfurion on the right side.
Exit the portal and turn in your quests. Get The Battle is Won,
The War Goes On.