- Head northeast out of Orgrimmar to Orgrimmar Rear Gate. Turn
in your quest. Get Runaway Shredder, Venison for the Troops, and
The Eyes of Ashenvale
- Kill 8 Talrendis Scout stealthed around - you'll also find a
Scout's Orders which starts the quest Return of the Highborne?
Also, kill Mosshoof Stags for 15 Slab of Venison.
- Then, bring a Runaway Shredder down to Low HP, and jump
in and complete the Runaway Shredder quest. Get The Captain's
- Use your Gather Lumber ability to gather 6 Azshara Lumber,
then complete the quest. Get Up a Tree.
- Chop down the Azshara Saplings and kill 9 Talrendis Snipers.
Get Defend the Gates!
- Return to the Orgrimmar Rear Gate and get Defend the Gates!
Lob lots of Grenades at the raiders until you've killed 20
Talrendis Raiders and then complete Defend the Gates! Get
- Head west to the Talrendis Ancient and kill it. The key is to
use Buzzsaw at melee range (ability 1)
- Return to the gates and turn in your quests. Get Report to
Horzak and Return of the Highborne.
- Go to the Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange.
- At the Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange, turn in your quests. Get
Basilisk Bashin', Stone Cold, and a Quota to Meet.
- Grab a stoned goblin.
- Return to the Rocketway. Turn in your quest and get The Perfect
- Fight your way to the forge. Kill Talrendis Saboteur on the
way to get a Crystal Pendant. Turn in The Perfect Prism and get
the follow-up Prismbreak. Turn in that quest to get Refleshification.
- Use your Refleshifier to unpetrify 8 Miners, Kill 10 Greystone
Basilisk, and Gather 20 Mountainfoot Iron.
- Return to Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange and turn in your
quests. Get Another Warm Body.
- Go to Forlorn Ridge.
- At Forlorn Ridge, turn in your quests. Get Hand-Me-Downs, Military
Breakthrough, and First Degree Mortar.
- Head northwest to Warlord Krellian and kill him. Grab the SFG.
- Collect 12 Military Supplies in the minefield.
- Go to the Bilgewater Mortar. Mortar 60 nagas.
- Turn in your quests and get In The Face!
- Use your SFG on an Enslaved Son of Arkkoroc.
- Return to Forlorn Ridge and turn in your quest. Get the
new quest Profitability Scouting
- Sneak to the Heart of Arkkoroc.
- Return to Forlorn Ridge and turn in your quest. Get Private
- Return to Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange.
- At Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange, turn in your quest. Get Survey
the Lakeshore and A Thousand Stories in the Sand.
- Go to Lake Mennar. Recover 5 Artifacts and use the North, East,
and West Survey Equipment.
- Return to Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange and turn in your
quests. Get Memories of the Dead and Gunk in the Trunk.
- Go to Clubnik's Dozer right by the area and examine
it. Kill the goo for an Ectosplatter Sample. Turn in the
quest in to get Dozercism.
- Go to the Dozer again and use the Blessed Flaregun.
Defeat the Dozer then turn in your quest. Get Need More
- Return to Lake Mennar and talk to the Spirit of Kaiytha.
- Talk to Archmage Selwyn to complete your quest. Get
Mystery of the Sarcen Stone. Get the stone on the south
side under the lake.
- Return to Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange and turn in your
- Ride the elevator to the top. Talk to the goblin and take
the ride to the Southern Rocketway Terminus.
- At the Southern Rocketway Terminus, turn in your quest. Get
the Flight Point. Get When Science Attacks and Mortar the Point.
- Go to The Secret Lab. Get Bad Science! Bad! Kill 8 Static-Charged
Hippogryphs while putting out 8 Lab Fires and 6 Research Interns
with the Fireliminator.
- Turn in your quest and get My Favorite Subject.
- Go to Subject Nine and turn in your quest. Get Nine's Plan.
- On the east side of The Secret Lab, use the Buzzer, then kill
the Mutant Goblin for the Secret Rocket Plans.
- Return to Subject Nine and turn in Nine's Plan. Get the
follow-up Raptor Raptor Rocket.
- Go down and rescue 5 Baby Raptors and bring them up to the
rocket. Complete your quest.
- Go to the Secret Lab Squawkbox and turn in your quest. Get
Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped. Pull the lever and escort
the cart. Use the Fireliminator constantly to cool it.
- At the Southern Rocketway Terminus, turn in your quests. Get
Mysterious Azsharite, A Gigantic Snack, To Gut a Fish and Investigating
the Sea Shrine.
- Kill Mistwing Cliffdwellers for 8 Mutilated Mistwing Carcass
and also collect 5 Azsharite Sample.
- Return to Southern Rocketway Terminus. Turn in your quests.
Get Befriending Giants.
- Go to Gormungan and talk to him.
- Return to Southern Rocketway Terminus. Turn in your quest.
Get Azasharite Experiment Number One and The Terrible Tinkers
of the Ruined Beaches.
- Go to the Gnomish Tower. Kill Bingham Gadgetspring, 4 Netgun
Gnome, and 6 Zapper Gnome. Upstairs, grab the Giant-Sized Laxative.
- Return to Gormungan. Attempt to feed him the laxative.
- Return to Southern Rocketway Terminus. Turn in your quests.
Get Azsharite Experiment Number Two.
- Talk to Greely to be shrunk. Mount a rat and ride to
Gormungan. Scare him.
- Return to the Southern Rocketway and turn in Azsharite
Experiment Number Two. Get A Hello to Arms.
- Fight your way to the Naga Power Stone, killing 6 Spitelash
Stormfury and Seacaller along the way. Turn in your quest. Get
The Keystone Shard.
- A little to the west, get the Keystone Shard. Turn in your
quest to the Power Stone. Get Report to Twocrush.
- Return to Southern Rocketway Terminus. Turn in your quests.
Get Sisters of the Sea.
- Kill Lady Silisthra. First, destroy her stone by clicking on
- Kill Lady Vesthra. First, destroy her stone by clicking on it.
- Return to the Southern Rocketway and turn in your quest.
Go to Friz Groundspin, the flightmaster. Tell him to 'give
you the 'copter.'
- At Bilgewater Harbor, set your hearthstone to Bilgewater
Harbor. Get Operation Fishgut.
- Go to the keep and get Azshara Blues. Turn in your quests
and get Rapid Deployment.
- Go to Captain Desoto. Turn in your quest. Get There Are
Many Like It. Hop into the rocket.
- You'll arrive at the goblins. Turn in your quest. Get First
Come, First Served. Go to Lieutenant Drex. Turn in your quests.
Get Halo Drops and Mop Up.
- Over the next steps, kill 12 Defending Naga as well as help
8 Wounded Soldier with the Sanctified Flaregun.
- Go to the Southern Pagoda and use the Flag of Territorial Claim.
- Go to the Big ol' Tower and use the Flag of Territorial Claim.
- Go to the Northern Vista and use the Flag of Territorial Claim.
- Return to the goblins. Turn in your quests. Get Field Promotion.
- Go to Captain Tork.
- At Captain Tork, turn in your quest. Get: Beating Heart, Extermination,
Head of the Snake, Ticker Required, and Handling the Goods. Use
your Gob Squad Flare to summon a lot of help.
- Kill Lord Kassarus. Loot the Impaling Spines he throws at you
and throw them back at him.
- Loot the Heart of Arkkoroc.
- Finish destroying 3 Spitelash Runestones, 30 Spitelash Naga,
and Gather 12 Highborne Tablet.
- Return to Captain Tork. Turn in the quests and get the follow-up
Shore Leave. Get on the Military Gyrocopter to fly to Bilgewater
- At Bilgewater Harbor, turn in your quest. Then, go to Kalec.
Turn in your quest and get Friends Come in All Colors.
- Go to Ergil and turn in Friends Come in All Colors. Get Absorbent,
A Little Pick-Me-Up, and That's Just Rude!
- Pick up 10 Kawphe plants and kill 10 Makrinni Scrabblers.
- Run next to 20 Vile Splash to collect 20 Simmering Water Droplet.
Complete your quest and get Full of Hot Water.
- Go to the Tower of Eldara and use the Engorged Azshari Sea Sponge
next to the Summoning Stone. Kill the Scalding Water Lord for
the Globe of Boiling Water.
- Return to Ergll and turn in your quests. Get Wash Out.
- The ride will take you to the Northern Rocketway Exchange. Turn
in Wash Out and get the follow-up Dressed to Impress. Get The
Blackmaw Scar and Amberwind's Journal.
- Kill 8 Talrendis Biologist and loot the Blackmaw Intelligence
- Return to the Northern Rocketway Exchange. Turn in your quest.
Get A Pale Brew and Diplomacy by Another Means
- Fight your way to the southwest side of the camp and pick up
the Blackmaw Meeting Agenda. On your way there, pick up 10 Briaroot
Brew and kill Talrendis Ambassadors for their Robes.
- Return to the Northern Rocketway Exchange. Turn in your
quests. Get The Blackmaw Doublecross. Use the Ambassador Disguise
and talk to Andorel to get teleported.
- In the Blackmaw Hold, talk to Ungarl and insult him. Kill 4
Blackmaw Warrior and 4 Blackmaw Shaman on your way out. Return
and turn in The Blackmaw Doublecross.
- Kill Lorekeeper Amberwind for her journal. Turn in your quest.
Get Arcane De-Construction.
- Head further southeast and kill the Apprentice Illuminators
for 10 Attuned Runestone on your way to the Lower Scrying Stone.
Turn in Arcane De-Construction and get the follow-up Hacking the
- Talk to the Aracne Construct nearby to complete the quest.
- Return to the Northern Rocketway again and turn in Hacking
the Construct.
- Go to the Image of Archmage Xylem, approaching from the north
- At the Image of Archmage Xylem, Put on your Wizard Hat. Turn
in your quest. Get Waste of Thyme, Shear Will, and Renewable Resource.
- Place your Arcane Charge in Balboa's path. Collect your 5 Animate
Basalt. Kill Hippogryphs for 80 Pristine Thunderhead Feather and
gather 8 Living Ire Thyme.
- Return to the Image of Archmage Xylem. Turn in your quests.
Get Manual Labor and Trouble Under Foot.
- Go to the Legash Encampment. Use your Personal Arcane Assistant
to Polymorph Insect. Kill 12 Polymorphed Cockroach. Also, look
through the books for the Abjurer's Manual. Then, your assistant
can cast Return to Camp.
- At the Image of Archmage Xylem, turn in your quests. Get
The Pinnacle of Learning. You'll warp to the Arcane Pinnacle.
- Turn in your quest and get Watch Your Step. You need to
constantly run and click all 6 Energy Conduits on your way
up. If you fall off, you can hop back on from the south
side. On the top, turn in Watch Your Step and get The
Trial of Fire, The Trial of Frost, and The Trial of Shadow.
Touch the appropriate orb to change the portal to fire/frost/shadow.
- For frost, run around and gather 20 orbs while avoiding
the frost. Tips: Always go in the same direction as
the direction of the frost spinning. Try just continuously
going clockwise.
- For fire, run to the circles which will not spout fire
each time around. (whichever circles don't have a bit
of flame on them)
- For shadow, line up the shadows which spawn with the
runes on the ground and have them run over them. You can
tell where they'll spawn by keeping an eye on where your
shadow 'shoots.'
- Once done with all quests, get Xylem's Asylum. Go through
the portal and go ino the tower. Turn in the quest and get
Wasn't it Obvious? Go through the portal.
- Congratulations, you've completed the quest! Get Easy is
Boring. Talk to the Spirit of Azuregos. Complete the chat
dialogue and get Turning the Tables. Talk to Anara the Spirit
Healer to return to life.
- Head southwest along the road to the station, then get a
ride to the Northern Rocketway Terminus.
- At the Northern Terminus, get the Flight Path. Turn in your
quest. Get Fade to Black, Pro-Liberation, and Ice Cold.
- Go to Sable Ridge. Kill Malicion and Twilight Lord Katrana.
Along the way, kill the various mobs for Ironwrought Keys and
unlock 4 Goblin Workers. Make sure to constantly look up and use
your Cyromatic 16 to freeze 8 Sable Drakes. The Cyromatic 16 has
a very long range - you just need to find the drakes - make sure
to just search all over the highest peaks in the area.
- Return to the Northern Terminus and turn in your quests. Get
Farewell, Minnow.
- Fly to Bilgewater Harbor. Turn in your quest. Get Airborne Again.
- Head to the east side of Bilgewater Harbor and board a plane.
- At Valormok, get all the quests: Commando Drop, Grounded, Let
Them Feast on Fear, and Where's My Head?
- Go to Slinky Sharpshiv. Turn in your quest and get Lightning
Strike Assassination. Talk to her to grapple up the tower and
kill Captain Grunwald. Load yourself in her parachute. Turn in
your quest.
- Fight your way to Bombardier Captain Smooks. Turn in Grounded
and get Rigged to Blow.
- Circle around the base of the tower and activate the three
detonators. Return and turn in the quest to get Push the Button!
Push the button.
- Go to the Lorekeeper's Summoning Stone. Finish killing 5 Talrendis
Lorekeeper, 12 Talrendis Defender, and 6 Talrendis Sentinel. Turn
in your quest.
- Use the stone to teleport back to Valormok. Turn in your
quests. Get Blacken the Skies.
- Fly south and bomb 6 Glaive Throwers and the Command Center.
Make sure to KEEP MOVING - otherwise you'll get shot down.
- Return to Valormok and turn in your quest. Get The Conquest
of Azshara.
- Head down the road to the night elf command center and kill
Commander Jarrodenus for his head.
- Then, go back to that Lorekeeper's Summoning stone - you
can use it to teleport back to Valormok again. Turn in The
Conquest of Azshara and get the follow-up Probing into Ashenvale.
- Head west into Ashenvale.
- At the entrance to Ashenvale, turn in Probing into Ashenavle
to Kulg Gorespatter. Get the follow-up To the Ramparts! Talk
to Kulg again and take the transport to the Mor'shan Ramparts.