- Go into Westfall to Lieutenant Horatio Lane. Turn in your two
quests and get Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me.
- In the field, get 4 clues from the drifters by talking to them.
Choose the bribe option.
- Return to Lieutenant Horatio and turn in your quest. Get Hot
on the Trail: The Riverpaw Clan and Hot on the Trail: Murlocs.
- Kill gnolls for the Riverpaw Gnoll Clue.
- Kill murlocs for the Murloc Clue.
- Return to Lieutenant Horatio.
- At Lieutenant Horatio, turn in your quests. Get Meet Two-Shoed
- Go to the Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm. Get the Flight Path. Turn
in your quest and get the three quests: Livin' the Life, I TAKE
Candle, and Feast or Famine.
- Kill Coyotes for 6 Coyote Tails and gather 5 Fresh Dust.
- Enter the Jangolode Mine. Fight your way to the end of it, then
use Two-Shoed Lou's Old House. On your way out, finish killing
12 Kobold Digger.
- Return to Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm.
- At Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm turn in the two quests. Get Lou's
Parting Thoughts.
- Go behind the farmhouse and eavesdrop on the thugs.
- Return and turn in your quest. Get Shakedown at Saldean's.
- Go to Saldean's Farm. Turn in your quest. Get Times are Tough.
- Kill 10 Harvest Watcher in the fields. You'll get a Harvest
Watcher Heart which starts the quest Heart of the Watcher.
- Turn in your quests to Saldean. Get It's Alive! and Westfall
- In the fields of the farm, gather 6 Okra.
- Kill Young Fleshrippers and Goretusks for 6 Stringy Fleshripper
Meat and 6 Goretusk Flank.
- Use the Harvest Watcher Heart on an Overloaded Harvest Golem.
Run over and kill 25 Energized Harvest Reapers.
- Return to Saldean and turn in your quests. Get You Have Our
Thanks. Turn that in and get Hope for the People.
- Go to Sentinel Hill.
- At Sentinel Hill, Get the Flight Path. Set your Hearthstone
to Sentinel Hill. Turn in your quest and get all the new quests:
Feeding the Hungry and the Hopeless, In Defense of Westfall, The
Westfall Brigade, The Legend of Captain Grayson, and Hero's Call:
Redridge Mountains
- Use the Westfall Stew near the homeless to feed 20 Homeless.
- Kill 12 Riverpaw Gnolls. Also, loot a Gnoll Attack Orders.
- Return to Sentinel Hill and complete the three quests. Get
Jango Spothide and Find Agent Kearnen.
- Kill Jango Spothide, 5 Riverpaw Taskmaster, and 5 Riverpaw Mystic
- Go to Agent Kearnen and turn in your quest. Get Secretes of
the Tower.
- Go into the tower. The moment you enter, use your Potion of
Shrouding. Listen to the Helix's conversation.
- Return to Agent Kearnen and turn in your quest. Get Big
Trouble in Moonbrook.
- Return to Sentinel Hill.
- At Sentinel Hill, turn in your quests. Get To Moonbrook!
- Go to Moonbrook. Get the Flight Path. Turn in your quest. Get
- Check the buildings on the west side. When you kill a Moonbrook
Thug, you'll get a Red Bandana, which starts Evidence Collection.
Kill more thugs for 6 Red Bandana. Find the Mysterious Propagnda,
Informational Pamphlet, Issue of the Moonbrook Times, and Secret
Journal. (the secret Journal is in the middle 'inn' building,
- Return and turn in your two quests to Captain Alpert. Get
The Dawning of a New Day.
- Go into the center of Moonbrook and listen to the speech.
- Return to Captain Alpert and turn in your quest. Get Secrets
Revealed, and turn that quest in. Get A Vision of hte Past.
- Go into the Defias Hideout and follow the homeless to the entrance
of the Deadmines. Inside, use the Incense Burner.
- Exit the Deadmines and swim to Captain Grayson. Turn in The
Legend of Captain Grayson. Get Keeper of the Flame, The Coast
Isn't Clear, and The Coastal Menace.
- Kill 7 Murloc Tidehunter and 7 Murloc Oracle. Kill Old Murk-Eye
for Scale of Old Murk-Eye.
- Return to Captain Grayson and turn in your quests.
- Hearth to Sentinel Hill. Turn in your quest. Get Rise of
the Brotherhood.